Understand Your Knee Pain

When you suffer from knee pain, it can feel like you’ve been robbed of the things you love to do most. Understanding your knee pain is the first step in figuring out how to get back to doing what you love the best you can. See your doctor first to get a diagnosis as many conditions can cause knee pain.


Your knees — they're among the most important joints in your body. They support your weight and provide stability and a “hinge” to help keep your body moving. But, between standing, walking, running, jumping, crouching and turning, it’s easy to see how there are plenty of ways to experience knee pain. Remember: see your doctor first before you begin any treatment of if your pain gets worse or persists.


Some causes of knee pain include:

  • Injuries. Some common injuries include fractures in the knee bones, a torn meniscus (rubbery cartilage between thighbone and shinbone that absorbs shock), patellar tendinitis (inflammation and irritation of one or more tendons), and a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), just to name a few.
  • Mechanical Problems. Some examples include a dislocated knee cap; IT band syndrome (tightness of the iliotibial band of tissue running from the hip to the knee); and a loose body, or "floating" piece of bone or cartilage that breaks off in the joint space.

"Get back to doing what you love the best you can."

a figure performing a stretching exercise inside a yellow circle
Exercises and stretching

Consult with your doctor to set up a treatment plan.

a figure performing a stretching exercise inside a yellow circle
Exercises and stretching

Consult with your doctor to set up a treatment plan.

a figure performing a stretching exercise inside a yellow circle
Exercises and stretching

Consult with your doctor to set up a treatment plan.


Maintain a healthy weight

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Extra weight can put additional pressure on your joints and make knee pain worse. Even a 5% weight loss can make a difference and reduce stress on your knees. If you think you would benefit from weight loss, talk to your doctor about a sensible weight-loss program.

Strengthen your core

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A strong core — abdominal, back and pelvic muscles — can help keep your knees where they should be in order to avoid joint compression and pain. There are a number of exercises that help strengthen the core, including yoga, Pilates and kickboxing. Work with your doctor or physical therapist to determine what exercises might be good choices for you.

Keep your knee compressed

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If you notice that your knee is swollen as well as sore, compression might be a good way to speed up your recovery. Get an elastic bandage (such as an Ace wrap) and wrap it snugly around the area surrounding your sore knee. The bandage won't protect or stabilize your knee, but it should reduce swelling. Be careful not to wrap it too tightly as this may cause more swelling.